Research Team


Yonsoo Kim

Yonsoo Kim is an assistant professor of Spanish in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Purdue University. Her research interests include medieval and renaissance literature, medicine, gender studies, and religious studies. She has published articles on these topics, and her manuscript entitled El saber femenino y el sufrimiento corporal en la temprana Edad Moderna (Feminine Knowledge and Corporal Suffering in the Early Modern Ages) was published by the University of Cordoba, Spain in 2008.


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Constantino Malagón

Constantino Malagón Luque is an associate professor of Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Computer Science at Nebrija University (Madrid, Spain). His research interests include Machine Learning techniques applied to gamma-ray detection in High Energy Astrophysics, sequential and frequent pattern mining for event prediction in network monitoring systems (specifically, in Osmius monitoring tool), and pattern recognition methods for medieval document analysis. He has published articles on these topics and he currently manages the Machine Learning research group at Nebrija University.


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Justo Hidalgo

Justo N. Hidalgo is Vice President, Product Management and Consulting at Denodo Technologies. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of A Coruña, Spain and a B.S. in Computer Science by the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. He has received training in Product Management, Product Marketing, Innovation and Creativity in the universities of Stanford and Berkeley, CA. Justo has worked and researched on projects related to telecommunications network management, software quality, data mediation systems, quality of service in the internet, knowledge management and new technologies for education, web automation and enterprise mashups. He has published more than 20 articles and papers in regional and international conferences. Justo also participated in the Software Engineering standardization effort led by IEEE/ACM (CCSE, 2002-2004) and has lectured in different cities such as Madrid, Coruña, London, San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Stockholm or Jakarta. Justo is member of the Internet Society.


Pilar Moreno

Pilar Moreno is a rare books and manuscripts librarian in the Historical Library of the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain).This library contains about more than 100,000 hand press books (printed before 1830) and near 6,000 manuscripts (approximately 200 medieval manuscripts). She specializes in digitizing rare books and has several publications on this topic. She has also participated on behalf of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Library in two European projects: Malvine and LEAF. Currently she serves as Subdirector of the Historical Library.


Rafael Palacios

Rafael Palacios: Graduated with the degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1990 from the School of Industrial Engineering (ICAI), Universidad Pontificia Comillas. In 1998 he obtained a PhD while working on incipient failure detection. He is currently working at the Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica as researcher and in the Department of Computer Sciences, Comillas University, Madrid (Spain) as Tenured Assistant Professor. In 2001-2002 he held a position of visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His main research interests include digital image processing, prediction, failure detection, diagnosis, data analysis.


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Manuel Salamanca

Manuel Salamanca López is a professor of Paleography and Diplomatics at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). He has been integral part of different investigation projects, national and international, and has authored a number of monograph (Colección Diplomática Medieval de la Orden de Alcántara (1157?-1494). Tomo II. De 1454 a 1494, Madrid, 2003; Epistolario de la emperatriz María de Austria. Textos inéditos del Archivo de la Casa de Alba, Madrid, 2004; Libros de actas del Concejo de Madrid durante el reinado de Fernando VI. Vol. I (1746-1749), Madrid: 2007; Catálogo de la Sección institucional del Archivo de la Catedral de Cuenca. Siglos XII-XIV, Cuenca-Madrid: 2007; Libros de actas capitulares de la Catedral de Cuenca durante el siglo XV. Volumen I (1410-1418), Cuenca: 2007; Libro de los oficios del Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Madrid: 2007, t. I, pp. 73-204; Libros de actas capitulares de la Catedral de Cuenca durante el siglo XV. Volumen II (1419-1422), Cuenca: 2008; Inventario de la Sección de Secretaría del Archivo de la Catedral de Cuenca, Cuenca: 2009 and many more). He has coordinated and directed numerous congresses, seminars, and conferences. He serves in the editorial board of the journals "Documenta & Instrumenta" and "Lope de Barrientos. Seminario de Cultura".


Peter Stokes

After Honours degrees in Classics and English Literature and in Computer Engineering, Peter Stokes completed his doctorate at the University of Cambridge on English Vernacular minuscule datable circa 990-circa 1035. He was then Research Associate on the LangScape project of Anglo-Saxon boundary-clauses at the Centre for Computing in Humanities at King’s College London. This involved consulting original manuscripts, marking up texts in XML, and developing software for semi-automatic markup. He is now a Leverhulme fellow in Cambridge working on new methods of quantitative and computer-based palaeography. He has also worked at the British Library on digital images of Greek palimpsests, was consultant palaeographer for the British Academy-funded Hearth Tax project, has been lecturing in palaeography and codicology at Cambridge since 2004, and is principle coordinator of a UK-wide training scheme on “Medieval Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age”.


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Juan Wachs

Juan Wachs is an assistant professor at Purdue University in the School of Industrial Engineering. He completed a postdoctoral training at the Naval Postgraduate School’s MOVES Institute in the area of computer vision. His research interests are machine and computer vision, robotics, tele-operations, human factors, assistive technologies and health support systems. His work on the Gestix project led to the first in vivo implementation of a hand gesture system for the manipulation of medical images during surgery in 2006. From 2000 to 2007, he was part of a team of researchers working in the Virtual Reality and Telerobotics Lab at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Juan Wachs is a member of IEEE and the Operation Research Society of Israel (ORSIS). He has published in journals including IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Journal of American Medical Informatics, Journal of Image and Graphics, and the International Journal of Semantic Computing. He has been a visiting professor at the Buenos Aires University, Argentina and lectured in the Winter School of Image Processing. He has taught digital electronics, multimedia and web development at ORT and Intel Colleges, Israel. He received his B.Ed.Tech in Electrical Education from the ORT Academic College in Jerusalem, his M.Sc and Ph.D in Industrial Engineering and Management, Information Systems and Intelligent Systems tracks, respectively, from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.


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Leonor Zozaya

Leonor Zozaya Montes has a Ph.D in History at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM, Spain, Europeus Doctorate) where she has taught Palaeography, Diplomatics, Epigraphy and Numismatics during the last five years (2006-2011), as Assistant Professor. From October 2011 she will be an Honorific Collaborator in this Department. She also teaches Palaeography at the Estudio de Técnicas Documentales and the Fundación Ciencias de la Documentación. She has received research grants for study abroad in the Saint John’s College of Cambridge and the EHESS CRH of the CNRS, in Paris. As a result of her research she has published more than thirty articles and books. She has presented papers in many national and foreign conferences as and has been a membre of several scientific committees. Her principal research lines are the Town- Hall archives and scriveners of the Township during the Early Modern period, History of Madrid (Spain) and popular religiosity.


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