Facultad de Filología Edificio A
Plaza Menéndez Pelayo, s/n
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
28040 Madrid, Spain
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Direction to the conference location
The easiest way to get to the Complutense Campus is by METRO. The Metro station to get off is CIUDAD UNIVERSITARIA (University City) of Metro Line Number 6 (Grey color line in Metro map). Once you exit from the metro station Ciudad Universitaria, please walk up (to right) along the Avenida Complutense (Complutense Avenue). At the end of Complutense Avenue, please turn left and cross the street. You will be able to see our conference building (Facultad de Filología, Edificio A). PLEASE TAKE A QUICK LOOK AT THE CAMPUS MAPS.
UNLESS YOU KNOW MADRID QUITE WELL, PLEASE USE METRO INSTEAD OF BUS. The most convenient way is to get on “G” at the bus stop of Moncloa on Calle Princesa. Get off at the “Facultad de la Filolosofía A” (it is called this way because Facultad de Filología and Facultad de Filosofía share some office spaces).
Because the Complutense University is enormous, taxi drivers usually do not know all the colleges’ and schools’ names and buildings. Thus, the best way to explain a taxi driver is to take you to “the end of Complutense Avenue (al final de Avenida Complutense)” in Ciudad Universitaria and take a short walk (approximately 2 minutes) to the conference building.