Universidad Nebrija

abustind@nebrija.es | Universidad Nebrija

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Artículos de investigación

Exceptional values of entire functions of finite order in one of the variables

Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques. Volume 189 (2023), 103344

Abstract | Text (versión preliminar) 

Remarks on vector fields with simply connected trajectories and their associated derivations

Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas 113 (2019), no. 4, 4119-4126


On vector fields with simply connected trajectories and one invariant line

J. Differential Equations 264 (2018), no. 6, 3933–3939


Exceptional values of holomorphic functions. Remarks on a Nishino's Theorem

J. Math. Anal. Appl. 457 (2018), no. 1, 1007–1014


Analytic automorphisms of C2 generated by polynomial vector fields

Archiv der Mathematik, 107 (2016) 251-258


Vector fields with simply connected trajectories transverse to a polynomial (con Luis Giraldo)

Advances in Mathematics, 285 (2015) 1339-1357


Vector fields from locally invertible polynomial maps in mapd in Cn (con Luis Giraldo y Jesús Muciño)

Colloquium Mathematicum 140, n. 2 (2015) 205-220


Complements of graphs of meromorphic functions and complete vector fields

Mathematische Zeitschrift 278, Issue 3-4 (2014) 1097-1112

Abstract  | Text   | Arxiv  

Jacobian mates for non singular polynomial maps in Cn with one-dimensional fibers (con Luis Giraldo y Jesús Muciño)

Journal of Singularities, volume 9 (2014) 27-42

Abstract  | Text  

Completeness is determined by any non-algebraic trajectory (con Luis Giraldo)

Advances in Mathematics, 231 (2012) 664-679

Abstract  | Text   | Arxiv  

Algebraic foliations defined by complete vector fields

Banach Center Publications. Volumen 94. Institute of Mathematics. Polish Academy of Sciences (2011)


Proper trajectories of type C* of a polynomial vector vector field on C2

Mathematische Annalen 351 (2011) 393-401


Complete holomorphic vector fields on C2 whose underlying foliation is polynomial

International Journal of Mathematics 21, Issue 3 (2010) 333-347

Abstract  | Text   | Arxiv  

The completeness of a polynomial vector field is determined by a transcendental trajectory

Journal of Differential Equations 227 (2006) 282-300


On the entire solutions of a polynomial vector field on C2

Indiana University Mathematics Journal 53 (2004) 647-666


Zeroes of complete polynomial vector field

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 131 (2003) 3767-3775



Campos vectoriales holomorfos completos y condición jacobiana

Directores: Luis Giraldo Suárez (UCM) y Jesús Muciño Raymundo (UNAM)

Abstract  | Text